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BThereis(probably nothing scarier than fighting an enemy that you cannotsee. The COVID-19 is one of these enemies, and it has done quite abit of harm.Buteven if we cannot see the virus, we know how it acts and spreadsaround, which is just like most other viruses. “The number onething you can do to prevent any respiratory (呼吸的)illness is to practice good personal hygiene (卫生).”Tom Moorcroft, expert in Origins of Health, told CNET. It’simportant to wear a mask and wash hands. By wearing a mask, you keepyourself away from the droplets (飞沫)coughed and sneezed by infected people. These droplets can spread thevirus -- as far as two metres! But these droplets don’t stay in theair for long before falling and landing on surfaces, like tables andsmartphones. They can also be transferred to elevator buttons anddoor knobs by our hands. So it’s important to wash hands.It’sreported in People’s Daily that the virus might be contagious(接触传染的)even before patients start feeling sick. “The result is that thereare no ways in public health to find out or to identify people atrisk of transmitting (传染),because they don’t even know if they’re ill yet,” GerardKrause, head of the Department for Epidemiology at the HelmholtzCentre for Infection in Germany, told Al Jazeera.Indeed,infectious diseases can be scary. But if there is anything right thatwe can learn from this epidemic, it’s that we’ve developed betterhygienic habits. After all, washing our hands is actually what weshould do every day.24.Whatis TRUE about droplets?A.Healthypeople’s droplets can spread the virus.B.Dropletscan spread the virus as far as two metres.C.Dropletscan’t be transferred to elevator buttons.D.Dropletscan really stay in the air for a long time.25.Somepatients don’t know if they’re ill at first because__________.A.theycan’t see a doctor B. there are not enoughhospitalsC.theydon’t feel sick at all D. they aren’t afraid ofthe disease 26.What’sthe best title for this passage?A.TheCOVID-19 B.An expert in Origins of HealthC.Infectiousdiseases are scary D. Practicegood personal hygiene","title_text":"BT)

2022-07-10 10:36:28来源:
导读 想必现在有很多小伙伴对于BThereis probably nothing scarier than fighting an enemy that you cannotsee. The COVID-19 is...

想必现在有很多小伙伴对于BThereis probably nothing scarier than fighting an enemy that you cannotsee. The COVID-19 is one of these enemies, and it has done quite abit of harm.Buteven if we cannot see the virus, we know how it acts and spreadsaround, which is just like most other viruses. “The number onething you can do to prevent any respiratory (呼吸的)illness is to practice good personal hygiene (卫生).”Tom Moorcroft, expert in Origins of Health, told CNET. It’simportant to wear a mask and wash hands. By wearing a mask, you keepyourself away from the droplets (飞沫)coughed and sneezed by infected people. These droplets can spread thevirus -- as far as two metres! But these droplets don’t stay in theair for long before falling and landing on surfaces, like tables andsmartphones. They can also be transferred to elevator buttons anddoor knobs by our hands. So it’s important to wash hands.It’sreported in People’s Daily that the virus might be contagious(接触传染的)even before patients start feeling sick. “The result is that thereare no ways in public health to find out or to identify people atrisk of transmitting (传染),because they don’t even know if they’re ill yet,” GerardKrause, head of the Department for Epidemiology at the HelmholtzCentre for Infection in Germany, told Al Jazeera.Indeed,infectious diseases can be scary. But if there is anything right thatwe can learn from this epidemic, it’s that we’ve developed betterhygienic habits. After all, washing our hands is actually what weshould do every day.24.Whatis TRUE about droplets?A.Healthypeople’s droplets can spread the virus.B.Dropletscan spread the virus as far as two metres.C.Dropletscan’t be transferred to elevator buttons.D.Dropletscan really stay in the air for a long time.25.Somepatients don’t know if they’re ill at first because__________.A.theycan’t see a doctor B. there are not enoughhospitalsC.theydon’t feel sick at all D. they aren’t afraid ofthe disease 26.What’sthe best title for this passage?A.TheCOVID-19 B.An expert in Origins of HealthC.Infectiousdiseases are scary D. Practicegood personal hygiene","title_text":"BT方面的知识都比较想要了解,那么今天小好小编就为大家收集了一些关于BThereis probably nothing scarier than fighting an enemy that you cannotsee. The COVID-19 is one of these enemies, and it has done quite abit of harm.Buteven if we cannot see the virus, we know how it acts and spreadsaround, which is just like most other viruses. “The number onething you can do to prevent any respiratory (呼吸的)illness is to practice good personal hygiene (卫生).”Tom Moorcroft, expert in Origins of Health, told CNET. It’simportant to wear a mask and wash hands. By wearing a mask, you keepyourself away from the droplets (飞沫)coughed and sneezed by infected people. These droplets can spread thevirus -- as far as two metres! But these droplets don’t stay in theair for long before falling and landing on surfaces, like tables andsmartphones. They can also be transferred to elevator buttons anddoor knobs by our hands. So it’s important to wash hands.It’sreported in People’s Daily that the virus might be contagious(接触传染的)even before patients start feeling sick. “The result is that thereare no ways in public health to find out or to identify people atrisk of transmitting (传染),because they don’t even know if they’re ill yet,” GerardKrause, head of the Department for Epidemiology at the HelmholtzCentre for Infection in Germany, told Al Jazeera.Indeed,infectious diseases can be scary. But if there is anything right thatwe can learn from this epidemic, it’s that we’ve developed betterhygienic habits. After all, washing our hands is actually what weshould do every day.24.Whatis TRUE about droplets?A.Healthypeople’s droplets can spread the virus.B.Dropletscan spread the virus as far as two metres.C.Dropletscan’t be transferred to elevator buttons.D.Dropletscan really stay in the air for a long time.25.Somepatients don’t know if they’re ill at first because__________.A.theycan’t see a doctor B. there are not enoughhospitalsC.theydon’t feel sick at all D. they aren’t afraid ofthe disease 26.What’sthe best title for this passage?A.TheCOVID-19 B.An expert in Origins of HealthC.Infectiousdiseases are scary D. Practicegood personal hygiene","title_text":"BT方面的知识分享给大家,希望大家会喜欢哦。




