想必现在有很多小伙伴对于问一下《悲情恋歌》中金喜善唱的那个插曲是什么歌是首英文方面的知识都比较想要了解,那么今天小好小编就为大家收集了一些关于问一下《悲情恋歌》中金喜善唱的那个插曲是什么歌是首英文方面的知识分享给大家,希望大家会喜欢哦。就叫 Love.. 剧名...叫 悲伤恋歌...-_-"Nat King Cole - LOVE L is for the way you look at me O is for the only one I see V is very, very extraordinary E is even more than anyone that you adore can Love is all that I can give to you Love is more than just a game for two Two in love can make it Take my heart and