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三、用括号内所给动调的遣当形式填空.(1、In winter、Bob often goes(skate) with his triends on the take. 2、Jack olten go)rowins in the rivet、 3.一_xhe(play)tennis tomorrow? -Yes、she is. 、They __..__(periorm)bellet at Sally's birthday party this Saturdsy. 5、1 often see the old m

2022-07-17 14:30:34来源:
导读 想必现在有很多小伙伴对于三、用括号内所给动调的遣当形式填空 1、In winter、Bob often goes(skate) with his triends on the

想必现在有很多小伙伴对于三、用括号内所给动调的遣当形式填空. 1、In winter、Bob often goes(skate) with his triends on the take. 2、Jack olten go)rowins in the rivet、 3.一_xhe(play)tennis tomorrow? -Yes、she is. 、They __..__(periorm)bellet at Sally's birthday party this Saturdsy. 5、1 often see the old man(walk)in the park.","title_text":"三、用括号内所给动调的遣当形式填空. 1、In winter、Bob often goes(skate) with his triends on the take. 2、Jack olten go)rowins in the rivet、 3.一_xhe(play)tennis tomorrow? -Yes、she is. 、They __..__(periorm)bellet at Sally's birthday party this Saturdsy. 5、1 often see the old man(walk)in the park.方面的知识都比较想要了解,那么今天小好小编就为大家收集了一些关于三、用括号内所给动调的遣当形式填空. 1、In winter、Bob often goes(skate) with his triends on the take. 2、Jack olten go)rowins in the rivet、 3.一_xhe(play)tennis tomorrow? -Yes、she is. 、They __..__(periorm)bellet at Sally's birthday party this Saturdsy. 5、1 often see the old man(walk)in the park.","title_text":"三、用括号内所给动调的遣当形式填空. 1、In winter、Bob often goes(skate) with his triends on the take. 2、Jack olten go)rowins in the rivet、 3.一_xhe(play)tennis tomorrow? -Yes、she is. 、They __..__(periorm)bellet at Sally's birthday party this Saturdsy. 5、1 often see the old man(walk)in the park.方面的知识分享给大家,希望大家会喜欢哦。


1. skating

2. goes

3. Is, going to play

4. will perform

5. walk



