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意淋(a love song 歌词)

2022-07-17 18:58:26来源:
导读 想必现在有很多小伙伴对于意淋 a love song 歌词方面的知识都比较想要了解,那么今天小好小编就为大家收集了一些关于意淋 a love s...

想必现在有很多小伙伴对于意淋 a love song 歌词方面的知识都比较想要了解,那么今天小好小编就为大家收集了一些关于意淋 a love song 歌词方面的知识分享给大家,希望大家会喜欢哦。

ti:a love song]

[ar:anne murray]

a love song




flies so high and sings so good飞得那么高,唱得那么好

there's a wren in a willow wood有只小鸟在柳树林里,


and he brings to you,what he sings to you.那好听的旋律正是他想带给你的

like my brother the wren 小鸟就像亲兄弟和我,

and i well, he told if i try,他说如果你想试,

i could fly for youand i wanna try for you.'cause我能为你而飞并且我将为你而试,因为


i wanna sing you a love song我要唱首爱的歌给你,

i wanna rock you in my arms all night long我要把你整夜搂在怀里

i wanna get to know you我想与你结识

i wanna show you the peaceful feelin' of my home.我那甜美宁静的家

summer thunder on moon-bright days月明夜晚夏日雷声滚滚

northern lights and skies ablaze北方的闪电划破夜空就像在燃烧

and i bring to you,当我为你而唱时

lover, when i sing to you.带来的是我浓浓的爱意

silver wings in a fiery sky炽热天空中翱翔的银色飞翼

show the trail of my love and i拖曳着我爱你的轨迹

sing to you,我为你而唱

love is what i bring to you.那份爱正是我要带来给你的

and i wanna sing to you, oh.我想为你而唱,噢


i wanna sing you a love song我要唱首爱的歌给你

i wanna rock you in my arms all night long我要把你整夜搂在怀里

i wanna get to know you我想与你结识

i wanna show you the peaceful feelin' of my home.我想展示给你看我那甜美宁静的家


i wanna sing you a love song我要唱首爱的歌给你,

i wanna rock you in my arms all night long我要把你整夜搂在怀里

i wanna get to know you我想与你结识

i wanna show you the peaceful feelin' of my home.我想展示给你看我那甜美宁静的家

i wanna show you the peaceful feelin' of my home...我想展示给你看我那甜美宁静的家



