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1(a) Listen and repeat. MONTHS \/mAnθs\/ 1.January\/'dzaenjuari, denjueri\/ 2.February\/'februari,'febjueri\/ 3.March\/ma:(r)t] 4.April\/'erpral\/ 5.May\/me\/ 6.June\/dgu;n\/ 7.July\/dgn 1 laī\/ 8.August\/'oxgast\/ 9.September\/sep'tembe( r)\/ 10.0 ctcber

2022-07-10 17:41:23来源:
导读 想必现在有很多小伙伴对于1 a) Listen and repeat MONTHS mAnθs 1 January dzaenjuari, denjueri 2 February februari

想必现在有很多小伙伴对于1 a) Listen and repeat. MONTHS \/mAnθs\/ 1.January\/'dzaenjuari, denjueri\/ 2.February\/'februari,'febjueri\/ 3.March\/ma:(r)t] 4.April\/'erpral\/ 5.May\/me\/ 6.June\/dgu;n\/ 7.July\/dgn 1 laī\/ 8.August\/'oxgast\/ 9.September\/sep'tembe( r)\/ 10.0 ctcber\/pk'taube,auk'taubar\/ 11.November\/neu'vemba(r)\/ 12.December\/dī'semba(r)\/ -When\/wen\/ is your birthday,Linda? -My birthday is on May 2nd. -When is your birthday, Mike? --My birthday is on June 3rd. -When is your birthday, Mary? -It's on January 5th.","title_text":"1 a) Listen and repeat. MONTHS \/mAnθs\/ 1.January\/'dzaenjuari, denjueri\/ 2.February\/'februari,'febjueri\/ 3.March\/ma:(r)t] 4.April\/'erpral\/ 5.May\/me\/ 6.June\/dgu;n\/ 7.July\/dgn 1 laī\/ 8.August\/'oxgast\/ 9.September\/sep'tembe( r)\/ 10.0 ctcber\/pk'taube,auk'taubar\/ 11.November\/neu'vemba(r)\/ 12.December\/dī'semba(r)\/ -When\/wen\/ is your birthday,Linda? -My birthday is on May 2nd. -When is your birthday, Mike? --My birthday is on June 3rd. -When is your birthday, Mary? -It's on January 5th.方面的知识都比较想要了解,那么今天小好小编就为大家收集了一些关于1 a) Listen and repeat. MONTHS \/mAnθs\/ 1.January\/'dzaenjuari, denjueri\/ 2.February\/'februari,'febjueri\/ 3.March\/ma:(r)t] 4.April\/'erpral\/ 5.May\/me\/ 6.June\/dgu;n\/ 7.July\/dgn 1 laī\/ 8.August\/'oxgast\/ 9.September\/sep'tembe( r)\/ 10.0 ctcber\/pk'taube,auk'taubar\/ 11.November\/neu'vemba(r)\/ 12.December\/dī'semba(r)\/ -When\/wen\/ is your birthday,Linda? -My birthday is on May 2nd. -When is your birthday, Mike? --My birthday is on June 3rd. -When is your birthday, Mary? -It's on January 5th.","title_text":"1 a) Listen and repeat. MONTHS \/mAnθs\/ 1.January\/'dzaenjuari, denjueri\/ 2.February\/'februari,'febjueri\/ 3.March\/ma:(r)t] 4.April\/'erpral\/ 5.May\/me\/ 6.June\/dgu;n\/ 7.July\/dgn 1 laī\/ 8.August\/'oxgast\/ 9.September\/sep'tembe( r)\/ 10.0 ctcber\/pk'taube,auk'taubar\/ 11.November\/neu'vemba(r)\/ 12.December\/dī'semba(r)\/ -When\/wen\/ is your birthday,Linda? -My birthday is on May 2nd. -When is your birthday, Mike? --My birthday is on June 3rd. -When is your birthday, Mary? -It's on January 5th.方面的知识分享给大家,希望大家会喜欢哦。




